Sunday, October 10, 2010
Two steppin'
I wasn't able to get it on film YET, but our little one has taken her first steps. Daddy couldn't be prouder because they were to him. He was gone all week and while we went to visit family she was attempting but never did. Then when were all home together, she took two steps towards Daddy. I can't believe she is going to be one soon. Where does the time go?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
WOW...that was fast!!
It's already the 5th of October and I managed to get through all of September with only one post? really? oops...I love October in New Mexico, too bad I really don't live IN New Mexico, the map says we do but really it's West I must drive 3 hours to appreciate the true beauty. Which is fine, I call it "the new one hour commute". But worth it to see my family and friends I haven't seen in awhile. This week is special because it is balloon fiesta in Albuquerque and it will be the kids first one. I cannot wait to see IX face when he sees all the balloons. More to come with pictures and more pictures of what IX calls "booluloons".
Saturday, September 4, 2010
It's September and I feel like the summer flew by and now, here we are...September. There is a certain special day coming up...September 16th...I think it's awesome that the whole country of Mexico celebrates it too...little do they know they are celebrating the birth of one TJH in addition to their independence. LOL...It's the BIG 3-0 ...WHOA!!
My 30th was definitely unforgettable. TJH took me skydiving. What better way to celebrate the big 30 by jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. If you have never been, really, I highly recommend it. It may sound scary but really it's not. It's amazing and quite frankly indescribable. So of course I want to try and do something super special for him. I want him to remember his 30th birthday as fondly as I remember mine. So I'm on a mission...T-minus 12 days before the big reveal...which really makes it sound better than it really is BUT I know he's going to LOVE it!!
My 30th was definitely unforgettable. TJH took me skydiving. What better way to celebrate the big 30 by jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. If you have never been, really, I highly recommend it. It may sound scary but really it's not. It's amazing and quite frankly indescribable. So of course I want to try and do something super special for him. I want him to remember his 30th birthday as fondly as I remember mine. So I'm on a mission...T-minus 12 days before the big reveal...which really makes it sound better than it really is BUT I know he's going to LOVE it!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
We have to go say hi to Mater...
If you are ever driving through Santa Rosa, NM and you get off I-40 and onto the road that has all the resturants on it, sorry I cannot think of the name right now, there is a car museum on the south side of the road. Out front they have all sorts of really old cars and trucks, some restored, some not. We have not made it into the actual musuem yet but I know one of these days we will. IX usually sleeps between Clovis and Santa Rosa and when he wakes up in Santa Rosa the first words out of his mouth is "we have to go see Mater". Mater, the tow truck from the Disney movie Cars, in case you don't know. So I drive by, pull in, and IX yells out the window..."HI MATER"
Monday, August 16, 2010
my little helper
Today, II decided she would help me clean windows. My first intinct was to stop her from helping me but then I just couldn't help it and I had to take a picture.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
"I make eggs momma"
One thing is certain, I live by the rule that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I love breakfast. Could be waffles, pancakes, bacon and eggs, oatmeal, toast with jam, breakfast is AWESOME!! There are some mornings IX wants scrambled eggs, so I have showed him how to mix the egg, and he has to be the one to pour them in the pan and we scramble them up. There are also some mornings that he is "pretending" to make us coffee, he takes a measuring cup and spoon, stirs the spoon in the cup and hands it to me saying "I make coffee fer ju momma". And I pretend to drink it and of course it's the best coffee on the planet.
Well, THIS morning, after he had eaten his waffle, we got started on II's room. IX was running around and I was getting everything organized. He came running in and said, "I make eggs momma" as before I played along and asked them how they were and he said good...etc. But then I walked into the find this

Well, THIS morning, after he had eaten his waffle, we got started on II's room. IX was running around and I was getting everything organized. He came running in and said, "I make eggs momma" as before I played along and asked them how they were and he said good...etc. But then I walked into the find this
low and behold...there it the trash
WOW...really? Did my two and half year old, crack an egg, put it in a bowl, scramble it, and pour it in the pan with minimal mess AND no shell in the pan? REALLY?
So then I asked him if he wanted ME to cook them, and he came running over...NOOOOOOO I DO IT I DO IT!!! Okay, okay...good thing he cannot turn the burner on, I at least get to do that.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Being helpful...
Tonight I was unloading the dishwasher and II decided to be helpful...initially she was standing by the door. I turned around to put some plates away and when I went back to get more, well, I just had to take a picture.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Green thumb
Today I made IX some play dough...yes, homemade play dough...doesn't have a funky play dough smell to it but it works and I don't have to worry about him eating it like I would real play dough. He loves playing with it and brings me things like a cake and even a castle today. He walked in this afternoon and a piece was wrapped around his thumb and he said "look momma, I got a green tum"...I don't believe he realizes how funny that is, because well, we all know that having a green thumb means your are really good at gardening. We do have a garden, but, he tends to pick the green tomatoes, however, he is learning that he can only pick the red's a slow learning process.
green thumb...
and this is a castle...use your imagination!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
WOW, August is already here. It seems as if we have a lot going on, but really, it's the usual. Parties, parties and more PARTIES!! Okay, well, really only one party and well, I won't mention for who...but uh, really it's not for me but I can certainly make it out to be for me right? It is offically a one year celebration party that just happens to be on August 21...and well, if you don't already know that's my special day...MY BIRTHDAY...I am probably the only woman in the world that truly loves her birthday. Getting older to me, well, am I getting older? Certainly, I am by number but not at heart. Although some mornings getting out of bed I don't feel as chipper as I once did but I am a mother of two and I believe that is the normal progression. August certainly has a lot in store, so hopefully I can keep up.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My second TRI of the season was in Santa Fe. Santa Fe sits at 7000' ft, Clovis is at Santa Fe is slightly higher. Let me just say I did not train nearly as much as I should have for this TRI as I did for my first one that I did in May. I let other things take over and I did not make a priority as I did before. Some days I feel as if I'm selfish by making time for myself but at the same time, I'm a better momma if I do that. So now I know.
I had a fun race. A decent run. The bike....well, I think we all know how I feel about the bike. But I had fun, I kept playing catch up with #214, she'd pass me, i'd pass her and the game was on, until she passed me one last time and then I never saw her least I don't think so, I could have passed her in the pool and not known.
As much as I love the swim, I didn't love this swim. I did not pack a swim cap, which isn't too big of a deal, it was only a 400M swim. But when I got in the water, I couldn't see and it made me mad, so I ripped off my googles and threw them aside. I finished the swim but boy did my eyes hurt for the rest of the day.
All in all, I didn't do so bad. I know there is room for improvement. I know what I need to work on and I plan on doing just that. Next one, August 21, Clovis, NM @ Cannon AFB. What better way to celebrate my birthday!!
I had a fun race. A decent run. The bike....well, I think we all know how I feel about the bike. But I had fun, I kept playing catch up with #214, she'd pass me, i'd pass her and the game was on, until she passed me one last time and then I never saw her least I don't think so, I could have passed her in the pool and not known.
As much as I love the swim, I didn't love this swim. I did not pack a swim cap, which isn't too big of a deal, it was only a 400M swim. But when I got in the water, I couldn't see and it made me mad, so I ripped off my googles and threw them aside. I finished the swim but boy did my eyes hurt for the rest of the day.
All in all, I didn't do so bad. I know there is room for improvement. I know what I need to work on and I plan on doing just that. Next one, August 21, Clovis, NM @ Cannon AFB. What better way to celebrate my birthday!!
After months of training the day finally arrived, May 9, 2010. We woke up early and headed to the race. It was T's first time being the sherpa and well, I think I was more nervous about that than the actual race. Not the he cannot take care of the children, it's just, that's my job and now the rolls were reversed. But he did great and even managed to take some pictures.
At the start I met a girl who asked me how old II was. She too had recently had a baby, he was 5 months old. So we joked about how we were doing the tri to lose the baby weight. After we started she was running with me and asked how fast I run. And I had to think, so I told her on a good day 12 minute miles on a slow day 13 but really I had no idea. I've always thought of myself as slow...but today apparently was a good day...I completed my run in 29:56...SA-WEET!!
The bike...oh the bike...I need help with the bike...It wasn't a bad course. One really big kinda dip but I'm just not the greatest on the bike. But I finished.
So, let's swim!! WOOHOO!! There is really no greater feeling when I'm in the pool and I'm able to pass people. And pass people. And pass people, especially dudes...gotta love it.
I may not be fast but I have a blast doing them. What I really love is at the finish having my Ironman husband waiting for me with our beautiful children. I could never do this without his support.
At the start I met a girl who asked me how old II was. She too had recently had a baby, he was 5 months old. So we joked about how we were doing the tri to lose the baby weight. After we started she was running with me and asked how fast I run. And I had to think, so I told her on a good day 12 minute miles on a slow day 13 but really I had no idea. I've always thought of myself as slow...but today apparently was a good day...I completed my run in 29:56...SA-WEET!!
The bike...oh the bike...I need help with the bike...It wasn't a bad course. One really big kinda dip but I'm just not the greatest on the bike. But I finished.
So, let's swim!! WOOHOO!! There is really no greater feeling when I'm in the pool and I'm able to pass people. And pass people. And pass people, especially dudes...gotta love it.
I may not be fast but I have a blast doing them. What I really love is at the finish having my Ironman husband waiting for me with our beautiful children. I could never do this without his support.
9 months
Wow, can you believe it...our little girl is 9 months old already. Where does the time go? She is just growing up so fast. She almost has her top two teeth, one has cut through and is coming out. She is crawling and starting to pull up on things. She is one busy bee. The funny thing is that she has a certain scream she lets out when IX does something to her.
Today he decided it was a good idea to pick her up and move her to a different spot on the floor. When he did that she let out this scream that is a bit piercing. If he takes something away from her, like a toy, same scream. One thing is to be sure, this girl has some lungs. She gets them from her momma.
Today he decided it was a good idea to pick her up and move her to a different spot on the floor. When he did that she let out this scream that is a bit piercing. If he takes something away from her, like a toy, same scream. One thing is to be sure, this girl has some lungs. She gets them from her momma.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Mr. Toad
We take Isaiah once a week to "school". The daycare here is The Children's Center. I love this place. They allow drop-ins and they love the kids like their own. Last week I went to drop Isaiah off and saw a toad by the door. He was a pretty big toad and looked as if he was trying to get inside.
I went to pick up Isaiah and the toad was still in the same place. Anna, the owner, asked jokingly, if I wanted to take him home. My response was, "do you have a jar?" I think I surprised her with my answer but she found a jar and some plastic wrap. I went outside and the toad jumped into the jar. After a few minutes of walking around showing it to everyone, in an attempt to scare the ladies, I put him in the car with the kids and took him home.
On the way home I asked Isaiah what we should name him. Isaiah responded "Mr. Toad". So, Mr. Toad came home with us. While driving home I had a few moments of panic when I would hear him jump and hit the plastic wrap. So the rest of the way home I had to come up with plans of how to react if Mr. Toad managed to jump out of the jar and into my car. Fortunately, we made it home without incident.
I went to pick up Isaiah and the toad was still in the same place. Anna, the owner, asked jokingly, if I wanted to take him home. My response was, "do you have a jar?" I think I surprised her with my answer but she found a jar and some plastic wrap. I went outside and the toad jumped into the jar. After a few minutes of walking around showing it to everyone, in an attempt to scare the ladies, I put him in the car with the kids and took him home.
On the way home I asked Isaiah what we should name him. Isaiah responded "Mr. Toad". So, Mr. Toad came home with us. While driving home I had a few moments of panic when I would hear him jump and hit the plastic wrap. So the rest of the way home I had to come up with plans of how to react if Mr. Toad managed to jump out of the jar and into my car. Fortunately, we made it home without incident.
We released Mr. Toad into our backyard and I was even able to catch him in action...
Isaiah spent the rest of the time checking on Mr. Toad...every time I asked him to come inside he said, "see Mr. Toad more"...
After a few minutes, he managed to basically just disappear. He was back there maybe ten minutes and when we went to check on him later in the evening, we could not find Mr. Toad. But he was entertaining while he lasted in our yard. Maybe he'll return, maybe not. Farwell Mr. Toad, hope you find a good home.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Some of you may not know that in my previous life (pre-Travis) I was a Probation Officer. Before I met Travis I was working in Albuquerque at the Bernalillo County Metropolitian Courthouse. I really enjoyed my job and the fabulous people I got to work with. Many were my friends and we had worked our way to the courthouse from State Probation-Parole.
So, prior to the courthouse I was a Probation-Parole Officer in the Intensive Supervision unit for the State of NM. There too, I really enjoyed my job but the pay wasn't what it should have been for the work that was required. So I moved to the courthouse, the pay was awesome, and no field work...meaning I did not have to get in a car and drive around town checking up on people. Which, was fun at time we had a fire extinguisher go off in the truck of the car and well, after we figured out that it wasn't a bomb and we weren't going to die, we couldn't stop laughing, especially when we opened the trunk to find the white powder ALL over the place. Good times!!
A position opened up in Clovis, at the courthouse. So, me being the previous PO that I am, I said,'s a sign. I must go back to Probation. So I applied. Today I had my interview. And while I think I did quite well something just doesn't seem right. When describing the criteria, it would be case work and field work. Okay, yea, no problem. Until they mentioned the field work is at night from 7pm-midnight. And I can completely understand the nature of the job, people on probation do have curfews. I was spoiled by intensive supervision because my guys had ankle bracelets, thats right, the kind Martha Stewart had to wear when she was let out of the big house. Well, in Clovis, they go check on them EVERY night. Again in intensive, it was once a week, we'd go check things out.
Now to my current life, two kids, a husband who works FULL time (and thats all i can say about that) hmmm...working shift work I don't really think is going to work for us. There are times that my husband gets to take "vacations", as I like to call them, granted not too many but I have another feeling that times they are a changin'.
So needless to say, today, IF and big IF, I am offered the job I will more than likely have to decline. And while I am a bit sad because I thought a job I once had, that I knew I was truly good at is not available to me, it in a way gives me peace with my decision to stay at home with my adorable, and at times, exhausting kiddos. These moments are precious and should not be missed if at all avoidable. Some day I can go back to work...but now, I'll enjoy moments like these.
So, prior to the courthouse I was a Probation-Parole Officer in the Intensive Supervision unit for the State of NM. There too, I really enjoyed my job but the pay wasn't what it should have been for the work that was required. So I moved to the courthouse, the pay was awesome, and no field work...meaning I did not have to get in a car and drive around town checking up on people. Which, was fun at time we had a fire extinguisher go off in the truck of the car and well, after we figured out that it wasn't a bomb and we weren't going to die, we couldn't stop laughing, especially when we opened the trunk to find the white powder ALL over the place. Good times!!
A position opened up in Clovis, at the courthouse. So, me being the previous PO that I am, I said,'s a sign. I must go back to Probation. So I applied. Today I had my interview. And while I think I did quite well something just doesn't seem right. When describing the criteria, it would be case work and field work. Okay, yea, no problem. Until they mentioned the field work is at night from 7pm-midnight. And I can completely understand the nature of the job, people on probation do have curfews. I was spoiled by intensive supervision because my guys had ankle bracelets, thats right, the kind Martha Stewart had to wear when she was let out of the big house. Well, in Clovis, they go check on them EVERY night. Again in intensive, it was once a week, we'd go check things out.
Now to my current life, two kids, a husband who works FULL time (and thats all i can say about that) hmmm...working shift work I don't really think is going to work for us. There are times that my husband gets to take "vacations", as I like to call them, granted not too many but I have another feeling that times they are a changin'.
So needless to say, today, IF and big IF, I am offered the job I will more than likely have to decline. And while I am a bit sad because I thought a job I once had, that I knew I was truly good at is not available to me, it in a way gives me peace with my decision to stay at home with my adorable, and at times, exhausting kiddos. These moments are precious and should not be missed if at all avoidable. Some day I can go back to work...but now, I'll enjoy moments like these.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
the unexplained and totally random...
By far...the TOUGHEST marathon joke
The day began with the sound of the alarm at 2:50AM. Travis and I got up, got ourselves ready, bags packed, and the woke up the kids to get them changed and dressed. We headed to White Sands Missle Range and we entered the gate at 4:30AM, temperature was about 30'. We headed to the staging area where we found the rest of the team. This marathon is unlike any other. This one was a team of 5, in full military uniform, carrying a 35lb pack.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Here we go again...
It's always interesting when Travis calls me from work and says..."Hey"...hmmm...that usually means something interesting is about to happen...So this time it was, "hey, some people are getting a team together to do the Bataan Death March in March, what do you think?" What do I think? uh, are you asking me to participate because I can tell you right now anything with the word death in the title, so much. He wasn't asking me to participate but more what I do best, being a sherpa.
What is a sherpa? By defination it is ...A member of a traditionally Buddhist people of Tibetan descent living on the southern side of the Himalaya Mountains in Nepal and Sikkim. In modern times Sherpas have achieved world renown as expert guides on Himalayan mountaineering expeditions. Basically, they carry all the crap that one would need to climb up Mount Everest. Well, in triathlons or marathons, everyone needs a sherpa and for Travis, it is I. I actually do not mind being a sherpa because it usually means, I'm not participating and sometimes, thats okay. But it does give me the bug to actually participate but thats a whole other story.
We are headed to White Sands Missle Range so Travis can be one of the 5 on his team to carry a 35lb pack, 26.2 miles. This isn't your ordinary marathon, this is the replicate the Bataan Death March.
The Bataan Memorial Death March is a challenging march through the high desert terrain of White Sands Missile Range, N.M., conducted in honor of the heroic service members who defended the Philippine Islands during World War II, sacrificing their freedom, health and, in many cases, their very lives.Better get to it...I've now got to pack for myself, Isaiah and Iris. And yea, they are kids they don't need too much but again, they are kids...and well, I'll stop short of taking the kitchen sink but uh, I'll be taking a lot with us...Here we go again...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Makin' it look good...
Once again, I've taken forever to blog. I won't catch up, I'll just start with today. So in my circle of friends and family we have babies due almost every month this year. WHOA!! I'm so excited. For most, it's their first and we all know how exciting that can be and also extremely terrifying. No words can really describe what's in store but maybe that life truly is changed,
F O R E V E R.
I vaguely remember what life was like without children. Maybe, partly, because I drank a lot, hahaha, just kidding. Seriously, though, what did I do with my time then vs. what do I do with my time now? Completely different. Everything is centered around whether or not I can get myself and the two kids ready in time for what the day holds. I'm getting a little better but I still feel like a fish out of water. And just when I think I have it down, something is thrown in the mix to keep me on my toes. I still wonder how my mother had 7 children.
That thought is also a motivator for me...I can do this, my mom had 7 kids and we all turned out okay...YOU CAN DO THIS!! I'm not going to lie, some days, I want to have my own pity party and just do nothing. But most days, I try to put on my big girl panties and get to it. But I can still admire the moms that make it look good...I strive to be that mom some day...but I want people to know that well, at least for me, it's a struggle and challenge every day but the reward is to watch the kiddos do something new every day and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
F O R E V E R.
I vaguely remember what life was like without children. Maybe, partly, because I drank a lot, hahaha, just kidding. Seriously, though, what did I do with my time then vs. what do I do with my time now? Completely different. Everything is centered around whether or not I can get myself and the two kids ready in time for what the day holds. I'm getting a little better but I still feel like a fish out of water. And just when I think I have it down, something is thrown in the mix to keep me on my toes. I still wonder how my mother had 7 children.
That thought is also a motivator for me...I can do this, my mom had 7 kids and we all turned out okay...YOU CAN DO THIS!! I'm not going to lie, some days, I want to have my own pity party and just do nothing. But most days, I try to put on my big girl panties and get to it. But I can still admire the moms that make it look good...I strive to be that mom some day...but I want people to know that well, at least for me, it's a struggle and challenge every day but the reward is to watch the kiddos do something new every day and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
What's in store for 2010

WOW, it's 2010! I can hardly believe it. I remember when I was little, thinking, 2010 was FOREVER away and now here it is. So what does 2010 have in store for The Hinkle Family. Well, to begin, I will start training for a marathon and a few triathlons. If it weren't for the encouragement from Travis, I do no know if I would be doing any of it. I love to swim, I like to bike but as for the run, well, it's okay. Combine all of those together and viola, I'm doing tri's...really? me? I'm impressed, hahaha. By no means am I fast, or will ever win a race, it's more important for me that i'm doing it and having fun.
For Christmas I received a fabulous gift, an indoor bike trainer. While the kids nap, I jump on my bike and ride. I'm up to 1/2 an hour. My friend Matt was right, I do have to admit, running sucks, especially when you have an indoor bike trainer! But I will still have to run. The indoor bike trainer is like having my very own spin class in our sun room. It's awesome!
I'm also looking forward to watching Iris and Isaiah grow and meet their milestones. It's been fun to watch and listen to Isaiah, I still cannot believe that in a year Iris will be doing the same things. She is just so small right now and I remember thinking the same thing about Isaiah and then poof, it happened.
I'm also hoping to blog a bit more only to keep myself on track with my goals. If I put it out there that I am training for stuff then I will feel that everyone is keeping me accountable and I won't be a slacker. I need to stay motivated!
Whatever goals you have and you need me to help you meet them, I would be happy to but not annoyingly so, does that make sense? I won't constantly ask, but I will ask. I also know that things don't happen overnight, unless it's your child, and one day an outfit fits, and overnight, it does not. I am very excited about this year, I hope you are too!
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