Thursday, March 18, 2010

Makin' it look good...

Once again, I've taken forever to blog. I won't catch up, I'll just start with today. So in my circle of friends and family we have babies due almost every month this year. WHOA!! I'm so excited. For most, it's their first and we all know how exciting that can be and also extremely terrifying. No words can really describe what's in store but maybe that life truly is changed,
F O R E V E R.

I vaguely remember what life was like without children. Maybe, partly, because I drank a lot, hahaha, just kidding. Seriously, though, what did I do with my time then vs. what do I do with my time now? Completely different. Everything is centered around whether or not I can get myself and the two kids ready in time for what the day holds. I'm getting a little better but I still feel like a fish out of water. And just when I think I have it down, something is thrown in the mix to keep me on my toes. I still wonder how my mother had 7 children.

That thought is also a motivator for me...I can do this, my mom had 7 kids and we all turned out okay...YOU CAN DO THIS!! I'm not going to lie, some days, I want to have my own pity party and just do nothing. But most days, I try to put on my big girl panties and get to it. But I can still admire the moms that make it look good...I strive to be that mom some day...but I want people to know that well, at least for me, it's a struggle and challenge every day but the reward is to watch the kiddos do something new every day and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

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