Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We have to go say hi to Mater...

If you are ever driving through Santa Rosa, NM and you get off I-40 and onto the road that has all the resturants on it, sorry I cannot think of the name right now, there is a car museum on the south side of the road. Out front they have all sorts of really old cars and trucks, some restored, some not. We have not made it into the actual musuem yet but I know one of these days we will. IX usually sleeps between Clovis and Santa Rosa and when he wakes up in Santa Rosa the first words out of his mouth is "we have to go see Mater". Mater, the tow truck from the Disney movie Cars, in case you don't know. So I drive by, pull in, and IX yells out the window..."HI MATER"

Monday, August 16, 2010

my little helper

Today, II decided she would help me clean windows. My first intinct was to stop her from helping me but then I just couldn't help it and I had to take a picture.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

"I make eggs momma"

One thing is certain, I live by the rule that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I love breakfast. Could be waffles, pancakes, bacon and eggs, oatmeal, toast with jam, breakfast is AWESOME!! There are some mornings IX wants scrambled eggs, so I have showed him how to mix the egg, and he has to be the one to pour them in the pan and we scramble them up. There are also some mornings that he is "pretending" to make us coffee, he takes a measuring cup and spoon, stirs the spoon in the cup and hands it to me saying "I make coffee fer ju momma". And I pretend to drink it and of course it's the best coffee on the planet.

Well, THIS morning, after he had eaten his waffle, we got started on II's room. IX was running around and I was getting everything organized. He came running in and said, "I make eggs momma"...so as before I played along and asked them how they were and he said good...etc. But then I walked into the kitchen...to find this
and then I found this....
"IX, where is the egg shell"...response "in da trash momma"

low and behold...there it is...in the trash
WOW...really? Did my two and half year old, crack an egg, put it in a bowl, scramble it, and pour it in the pan with minimal mess AND no shell in the pan? REALLY?
So then I asked him if he wanted ME to cook them, and he came running over...NOOOOOOO I DO IT I DO IT!!! Okay, okay...good thing he cannot turn the burner on, I at least get to do that.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Being helpful...

Tonight I was unloading the dishwasher and II decided to be helpful...initially she was standing by the door. I turned around to put some plates away and when I went back to get more, well, I just had to take a picture.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Green thumb

Today I made IX some play dough...yes, homemade play dough...doesn't have a funky play dough smell to it but it works and I don't have to worry about him eating it like I would real play dough. He loves playing with it and brings me things like a cake and even a castle today. He walked in this afternoon and a piece was wrapped around his thumb and he said "look momma, I got a green tum"...I don't believe he realizes how funny that is, because well, we all know that having a green thumb means your are really good at gardening. We do have a garden, but, he tends to pick the green tomatoes, however, he is learning that he can only pick the red ones...it's a slow learning process.
green thumb...
and this is a castle...use your imagination!!

Monday, August 2, 2010


WOW, August is already here. It seems as if we have a lot going on, but really, it's the usual. Parties, parties and more PARTIES!! Okay, well, really only one party and well, I won't mention for who...but uh, really it's not for me but I can certainly make it out to be for me right? It is offically a one year celebration party that just happens to be on August 21...and well, if you don't already know that's my special day...MY BIRTHDAY...I am probably the only woman in the world that truly loves her birthday. Getting older to me, well, am I getting older? Certainly, I am by number but not at heart. Although some mornings getting out of bed I don't feel as chipper as I once did but I am a mother of two and I believe that is the normal progression. August certainly has a lot in store, so hopefully I can keep up.