Friday, December 18, 2009

What should have been in the Christmas cards...

Born October 20, 2009 at 4:26pm...Iris Irene will be two months old in two days. Time sure does fly, that is no joke. I'm slowing getting it together. And after speaking to many moms I've got plenty of time, if ever, that I get it together.

The past two months have been a blast, maybe it's the lack of sleep, but fun nonetheless. Isaiah is a great big brother. He now says "good morning iris" every morning or even when she wakes up from a nap. He is growing so fast and talking so much it's wonderful.

November 22 we watched and cheered for Travis who competed in his 2nd Ironman. When I was on bedrest, that set his training back a bit, but he still did well. He was happy with his time of 13 hours 48 minutes, only 20 minutes slower than his first so I can only imagine what he would have done had he been able to train like he wanted. Guess we'll see for the next one but he hasn't decided when that will be.

As for me, today was the first day I have run since I found out I was pregnant. Over nine months wasn't pretty...and it's cold out, not freezing Minot cold, but still cold for running. I am contemplating doing a half marathon in May in Ft. Collins, Colorado. I got sucked in by the scenery. Our friends Ashley and Tim have signed up for it and when I looked at the "slightly down-hill" course, I thought...hmmm...I think I could do that. So we'll see...I need to get up to running 30 minutes straight before I can even think of running a schedule for the half. But I truly hope to get there by the end of January to start the actual training in February. I also want to start training for some sprint tris just to get me going but we'll see. Two kiddos and Travis' crazy schedule has me trying to be creative with training.

Friday, October 16, 2009

This is crazy...

Monday I went in to have an ultrasound, baby was head ua was up but not bad...went in on thursday and my blood pressure was high. DR sent me to the hospital to induce. They started the process and then did an ultrasound to make sure she was still head down...of course she wasn' they stopped the process. Drew more blood another ua and then in the morning they were going to try to turn her. Well, turning her was not successful but my labs came back fine. Which in the grand scheme of things is great news.

She will come in her time. I am now convinced more than ever we have a very strong-willed girl on our hands. The more time she gets in the oven the better off she will be. I am however frustrated only because I'm having to go back & forth to the hospital and Isaiah is being shuffled around. Thank goodness for the help we have recieved and I do not know why I worry about him because he has so much fun hanging out with everyone. He's a trooper!

I'm not going to post anything until she finally here. I'm sure some of ya'll might think i'm a bit thank you for your wonderful thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


One day Travis asked me, "when am i going to get a picture of the belly"...Then I received an email from a friend about a maternity photography session and I said, hmmm, wouldn't that be a fabulous birthday present for Travis? Initially, it was going to be just me and baby girl but Isaiah has been patting my belly saying "baby" and would sometimes kiss it, so I decided I would make a family photo op. I've only seen a few photos and I am anxiously and patiently waiting to see the rest.

I've always been self-concious about my body. And sometimes being pregnant in the summer, I haven't always felt so beautiful. Travis, the loving husband he is, always tells me that I am and I love him dearly for that but my own lack of positive self esteem thinks he's lying. He has always told me, "i wish you see yourself through my eyes, then maybe you'd believe me". He's so awesome. But something happened after taking these pictures. I could honestly see just how beautiful and awesome being pregnant is. No worries, I'm not going to be conceded by any means, but for once in my life, I'm really proud how these pictures came out. HUGE STEP!! Major confidence booster.

I would encourage any woman who is pregnant to have a maternity photo shoot. The photographer was telling me she has one photo of her mom pregnant with her, and I got to thinking. I, too, only have one photo of my mom pregnant with me, and it just so happened that it was on my brothers graduation day from high school in May 1975, I arrived three months later. You really can't tell too much that she is pregnant but I know i'm there. I have to find that picture and when I do I will certainly post it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's a GIRL!!

So we are having a GIRL!! Get ready for some pink, frills, and hair bows. WATCH OUT!! I think all along I knew it would be a girl and I've been trying to get used to the idea. Travis is too. He is getting his guns polished as we speak...okay maybe not right now but he does know that he wants them polished and ready to go by the time she is 16. YIKES...I remember when I was 16...and every other age in between. I don't think I was the greatest teenager but I don't think I was horrible. I never got arrested or did drugs. I gradutated from high school...hey all pluses when you go to public school in NM, have you seen the statistics? I am thankful I have girlie girlfriends and family to help me out when I am just not being girlie enough. I'm sure it will be fine, but I do have to say i'm quite nervous to have a girl. But I'm going to do all I can to raise a fine young lady just as I am trying my best to raise a gentlemen in Isaiah. So far we have to work somethings with Isaiah but he's coming along.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

busy busy busy....

WOW...I haven't blogged in so much has happened since I last blogged. The big news being I'M PREGNANT. We find out this friday what's baking in the oven. We are super excited. We did not find out what we were having with our first so we decided we would find out with our second. I just think its crazy that I am going to know whats in the belly. But I will be sure to blog about it and post the ultrasound pictures when I get them.

In other exciting news, Travis has one last trip left to Vegas...WOOHOO!! He'll be home this thursday and he'll stay until June 29 until July 3, so it will be a short trip but oh so sweet. He started the whole process July 7, 2008 so just shy of one year. I am nervous about him being home because now we have to deal with the reality of the situation of a new schedule for the new squadron. If you haven't seen this video on a segment of 60 minutes, check it out...This is what he does. And the Col. in the video sums it up perfectly, when he says..."this is so much more satisfying because, you know, every time you fly, every single day, you're having an impact on the ground," And that is the EXACT reason Travis LOVES his new job...

Isaiah is growing big and strong, he LOVES to climb on just about anything and everything he can. Isaiah and I traveled to Houston at the end of May. It was challenging traveling with him due to the fact that both flights were significantly delayed and the added stress was not helping. Also, on our return trip, he was THAT child. Screaming at the back of the I ask, does it help to stare at the mother that is traveling alone with a screaming child? I had several people turn around and stare at me, so I finally just yelled SORRY!! I don't like this anymore than you do and it doesn't help to stare at me, thats not going to help him stop screaming. They turned around and never looked back. But in the end he fell asleep about a half hour before landing. Needless to say, it may be awhile before I fly alone with him again, have car, we'll drive!

Monday, April 6, 2009

He's walking!!!

Well, he's been walking for quite some time but I got in trouble not posting something...Isaiah is playing in the backyard...enjoy...xoxo

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Its been awhile

WOW...I didn't realize how long it had been since I have blogged...oops...and I've actually had lots to blog about but just didn't find the time...I must have been sucked into facebook...

First, Isaiah turned one March 6...but he was so sick we had to cancel his party. The Hinkle's still came for the weekend, it was lovely to have family in town. My family in Albuquerque and Santa Fe were ready to drive the 3 hours here but I called them off, they have kiddos too and I did not want anyone else getting sick...But of course somehow someway some managed to? very strange...but Isaiah had a great weekend with Gram Dee and Grandpa Dan even if he didn't feel very well.

I made the decision to become a Pampered Chef consultant. I'm nervous. What if it doesn't work out. I've never been unsuccessful at the many jobs I have had over the years but this one is different. I'm doing it for the fun of it. I love their products and I love to cook with great kitchen tools, so I figured it was a win-win...but now that I have all my tools, I am second guessing myself...I think I just need to get started and then the anxiety will subside. So, if you are reading this, and are thinkin, hmm...i'd love to help her, you could host a catalog show...This stuff sells itself and the more orders you have, the more free products you'll get. Again, its a win-win!! Think about it and let me know...ASAP...I need to get this ball rollin'.

Travis is still in Las Vegas but at least now he is gone two weeks, home two weeks. We like that better than 30 days at a time. Supposedly this is to continue until July 20th, so I am keeping my figures crossed that that is true!! I am actually really enjoying Clovis. The people I have met thus far have made that possible. I'm gettin involved with the squadron, helping out when/where I can, and its been great. If I were to focus on the negatives, well, I just won't...

I have a couple of TRI's coming up...April 11th in Rio Rancho, Spring Fling and May 10th, Jay Benson at KAFB. They are sprints, so short distance, doesn't mean least not to me...I am really enjoying training, well, except running. But I have my training partner and he doesn't say much but he enjoys the ride. Isaiah loves the stroller we have. It hooks up to the bike and is also a jogging stroller. So we ride, run and when I find time to swim he hangs out with friends. But I think I am going to take him a few times to the pool so he can get used the water. I'm looking forward to these tri's, I'll be doing them with family, which will be fun. Ironman Arizona is in November. Travis will be doing it, as well as my brother Matthew. Should be a good time!

Hopefully I won't go so long without blogging...I think I will make a pact to blog on Sunday nights after Isaiah goes to bed. Yea, that sounds like a great idea!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

An extra pair of hands...

Travis has been home since the 4th of February and sadly, he leaves on the 15th...I absolutely love having him home...I rarely change a poopie diaper and that is just the beginning. Since he has been home, we have managed to get Isaiah's room put together. He stripped all of the wallpaper in our master bath so we can paint. He cleaned the yards. Cleaned up the garage so we can park BOTH cars inside of it. Helped organize our spare room to make it "visitor" ready, hint hint. But above all...HE'S HOME!!

I had no idea what he signed up for last spring when he called me and said,"hey, there is a slot available, we'd be able to go back to NM." Well, OKAY...closer to home should be good, right? Little did I know we'd be closer to my family but he would be miles away for whats going on almost a year. Each day I try to wake up and be strong. I always keep in mind every military spouse that has their significant other deployed to various parts of the world. I also think about my friends who have triplets, yes TRIPLETS, who's husband works overseas for six weeks at a time. There are days I get down, but I try to remember that he is so happy doing what he is doing but in no way does he want to be doing it away from us. He would much rather be home with us but for the time being he cannot. So I just have to keep on keeping on.

I have a deep respect for single parents, how do they do it alone? Well, I guess if thats the only way you've ever known then it makes sense and you do what you need to do. Sometimes when he returns we have a day or two of "adjustment" time, I know thats the way I do it, but daddy is home now, so let him do it his you know how hard that is for a LEO. I'm still amazed what an extra pair of hands can help me accomplish and I appreciate him each and every second we are together...sappy I know but thats just how it is.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Whats ahead for 2009

We are already five days into it...Can you believe Isaiah will be 10 months old tomorrow...YIKES!!! Still no teeth, but I feel something in there...not walking but can stand alone but hasn't ventured to take a step.

This year Travis will be getting into serious shape, as if he is out of shape, but serious, Ironman shape...Ironman Arizona, November 22, 2009, Tempe, Arizona. Yes, another Ironman! As crazy as I think he may be, he is also very inspiring. He is a prime example of if you put your mind to it YOU CAN DO IT! So, I have also decided to compete in a few triathlons but not an Ironman. IF, and only IF i ever actually do one, I will wait until my 40th birthday...why?...because turning 40 will be huge and completing an Ironman will be just as huge. But who knows, it was fun jumping out of a plane for my 30th birthday, its definitely not as painful as an Ironman would be but I have a few years to decide that.

So my thoughts are, if I blog about a goal I have and make it public then I really don't have a way of backing out...Not that anyone would ask me about it but it as goals go for 2009 I do have the yearly recurring goal of weight but someone made a good point, I don't want to lose weight because if its lost does that mean I will have to find it again? So I'm just looking into getting into great, healthly, all around shape. If I lose some inches here and/or there I won't look for them, I just won't miss them at all.

More importantly getting into triathlons has been an adventure and it is something Travis and I can do together. I know I'm not going to a pro at it, but the key is actually doing them. I had a great time in Arizona and I am looking forward to what this year may bring. I can now look at improving my should be a good time and if i'm not having fun, then i'm not doing it guess we'll just have to see whats in store for 2009.