Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's a GIRL!!

So we are having a GIRL!! Get ready for some pink, frills, and hair bows. WATCH OUT!! I think all along I knew it would be a girl and I've been trying to get used to the idea. Travis is too. He is getting his guns polished as we speak...okay maybe not right now but he does know that he wants them polished and ready to go by the time she is 16. YIKES...I remember when I was 16...and every other age in between. I don't think I was the greatest teenager but I don't think I was horrible. I never got arrested or did drugs. I gradutated from high school...hey all pluses when you go to public school in NM, have you seen the statistics? I am thankful I have girlie girlfriends and family to help me out when I am just not being girlie enough. I'm sure it will be fine, but I do have to say i'm quite nervous to have a girl. But I'm going to do all I can to raise a fine young lady just as I am trying my best to raise a gentlemen in Isaiah. So far we have to work somethings with Isaiah but he's coming along.


Amy said...

ahhh, such wonderful news! love the ultrasound pics!

prudence brady said...

Girl! I thought you delivered! when is your due date? I would be concerned having a girl, too. Don't worry, Auntie Prudence is here for her to confide in. Sorry, I won't tell you everything, but rest assure I will keep her in check. ;)