Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Bye 2008, Hello 2009's already 2009? Where does the time go? Looking back on 2008 it was a great year for us and we are looking forward to 2009.
Last New Years Eve, we were in Minot, I was pregnant and we stayed up till midnight to ring in the New Year with sparkling cider. This year we are betting on whether or not we actually can stay up that long but we did buy Champagne just in case.

March 6, 2008 our lives changed forever and it was no longer just about Travis and I but Isaiah too. And they weren't kidding when we were told, time flies, and he'll grow up so fast. I still cannot believe that he is almost 10 months old. The boy has been to about 20 states and 18 flights...oh yes, we have earned our 16th flight credit with Southwest Airlines so the next one is a freebie...but we can't forget his first flight with Northwest when he was just 3 months old.

Then sometime in April I got a call from Travis saying there is a slot open to for his new airplane and it would move us from Minot to Clovis, NM. He asked my input but how could I say no, his voice had such a fire and inspiration to it that I could not say no. So end of June, they packed us up and we moved. Little did we know that Travis would be changed to a different plane and he would end up being in Vegas a lot longer than we anticipated. But in that time we bought a house in Clovis and as of writing this, we are ALMOST settled.

Of course we cannot forget Election Day 2008. I never really expressed my opinion one way or the other, out loud. But I was happy with the outcome. Now I just hope that people will give Obama a chance and not be so quick to judge when CHANGE does not happen as quickly as they want. But I do have to thank Sarah Palin for some great Saturday Night material and the great phrase of "I can see Russia from my house". Well, Sarah, I can do ya one better "I can see Texas from MY house".

As 2008 comes to a close we have had a great year and thanks to Facebook, we have reconnected with those we lost track of over the years. We are excited for 2009 and what it may have in store for this Hinkle Family.

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