Thursday, June 26, 2008

We are gypies

Our belongings are somewhere between here and there. They will be stored until we get settled in Clovis. The packers started on Monday, they finished up on Tuesday and loaded the trucks. They were smaller trucks and it took two of them. I did take pictures but because I'm at the library I cannot upload pictures here. Its okay, once I can I will post them. We moved into the temporary lodging facility but we will only stay until tomorrow. We will then be staying at our friends house until we drive out of here on the 2nd. In the mean time, I have been CLEANING our house. Why all caps to emphasize the word CLEAN. Well if anyone has ever lived in military housing, when you move out you have an inspection. I have to clean the fridge, including inside the rubber seal. Don't forget the bathrooms, and as we were told, the inspector will run her hands all along the toilet. So in other words, IT BETTER BE CLEAN!! So I got to cleaning once the movers took everything out and I've been cleaning since. UGH!!! Did i mention the blinds, there cannot be any grit and/or grime on them. But those are already done. Travis wanted to pay someone to do it and I said no way, I CAN DO IT. Uh, yea, I should have just paid someone but I think I have managed to convince Travis to give me the money he would have used to pay someone, hmm, tricky, hahaha. So life as we know it is now living out of the suitcases, eating out (which I'm already tired of) and watching Isaiah adapt to the changes. He has been a trooper. We cannot wait to to meet everyone and we are looking forward to our travels.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The last flight in the huey

So Wednesday was Travis' last flight in the Huey. He'll be training for a new aircraft in August. We watched Transformers the other day and realized that his new aircraft is in the movie. AWESOME!! Its called the Predator, its in the beginning part of the movie. So if you get a chance check it out. Not sure what exactly I can say about it but you can see it in the movie.

As for the Huey, I remember when I was little and my dad would go away for his guard weekends. We'd see a helicopter in the air and my mom would tell me that was my dad. He wasn't a pilot, he was just along for the ride. So when Travis told me he was flying one in Minot North Dakota, I knew he had to be somewhat cool, hahahaha. But seriously, as old as it is, its a great helicopter. I love the sound and can usually hear it from miles away. Strange I know but I have amazing hearing, unlike Travis. Last year I was able to partake in the annual spouse flight. That was an amazing experience, but this year, I think its a conspiracy that they have not had one YET! I'm sure they will once we leave. But at least I was able to go up once.

So back to his fini flight, as they call it. He took off and went to Fargo. They had lunch at Hooters of all places and they did some training as well, on the way to and from Fargo. Once he landed he was chased down and sprayed down with water as well as very cheap champagne. That was my job and it was fun. We have it all on video but wasn't sure about posting it but we of course have pictures!!

His days of flying a Huey, for now, are over. Who knows what could happen after the Predator, so i won't say he is done forever. We have to finish up some things and we'll be out of Minot July 2. Minot has been good to us our first two years of marriage. We have meet some wonderful people that I know we'll be friends with for life. We will miss them as we move on but we know where to find them so they will not be forgotten.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The meaning behind the title

Many of you may or may not know there is a Hinkle Family Fun Center located in Albuquerque. Its a family place where you can play laser tag, miniature golf, video games and bumper boats. I've been away from Albuquerque for two years and in all my years living there I only went there once.

The night I met Travis, as we were talking I had asked him his last name. He of course responded, Hinkle. My immediate response was "As in the Hinkle Family Fun Center?" was serious but he didn't quite get it. He was only in Albuquerque a week before we met and had only heard of the Hinkle Law Firm and Hinkle Homes, all of course, no relation. But do you think we have been there since? UH, NO!! But we'll go and take Isaiah so he can have his picture taken at the Hinkle Family Fun Center....Hopefully I don't get sued over the title...But I don't believe the name is trademarked...But this is OUR fun center...keep ya posted if something comes up!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I did it, I'm blogging!!

Okay so it's taken awhile but I finally decided to start blogging. I was inspired by my friends who currently blog. I love that they blog, how they blog and what they blog. It's a way for others to find out whats going on in their lives without sending out a mass email. So, I'm blogging. I'm sure most of it will consist of my adorable son Isaiah and how he is changing everyday but we do have a huge event ahead of us and I figured blogging would be the only way to allow everyone to keep track of whats going on.

So the packers arrive on Monday June 24th.... Then the movers come Tuesday the 25th....We move into the transitional living facility (TLF) and then we drive out of Minot on July 2nd!!! We have almost completed our painting. We had to return the walls back to "dover white", it takes at the very least two coats, but we are almost done. Then we have to organize what we are taking with us for the next 6 months. Travis will be training in Las Vegas, NV till November and I decided that it would be a great idea to be a gypsy for 6 months. Apparently, I miss living out of my car and want the challenge of having a baby along with me..actually, we decided not to buy a house right away and so Isaiah and I would spend time with family and friends that we have been away from for the last two years. I'll let you know how long it lasts...I have a feeling not very...but I really want to see everyone and I want Isaiah to hang out with everyone as he discovers the world.

It is awesome to his development. He has currently discovered his fingers as well as how far he can stick them in his mouth without gagging. I have to admit the first time he did it, it was funny. His face was priceless. So now he knows the limit of how far he can stick them in there. He's learning!!!

The Hinkle Family Fun Center is now a blog to keep everyone updated on the happenings of this Hinkle Family and all the fun that goes with it. MissFelice? well, I asked Travis what screen name I should have and that is what he came up with. Because I make him happy(sappy I know but its true), happy happens to be my middle name, Felice meaning Happy in Spanish.