Monday, January 5, 2009

Whats ahead for 2009

We are already five days into it...Can you believe Isaiah will be 10 months old tomorrow...YIKES!!! Still no teeth, but I feel something in there...not walking but can stand alone but hasn't ventured to take a step.

This year Travis will be getting into serious shape, as if he is out of shape, but serious, Ironman shape...Ironman Arizona, November 22, 2009, Tempe, Arizona. Yes, another Ironman! As crazy as I think he may be, he is also very inspiring. He is a prime example of if you put your mind to it YOU CAN DO IT! So, I have also decided to compete in a few triathlons but not an Ironman. IF, and only IF i ever actually do one, I will wait until my 40th birthday...why?...because turning 40 will be huge and completing an Ironman will be just as huge. But who knows, it was fun jumping out of a plane for my 30th birthday, its definitely not as painful as an Ironman would be but I have a few years to decide that.

So my thoughts are, if I blog about a goal I have and make it public then I really don't have a way of backing out...Not that anyone would ask me about it but it as goals go for 2009 I do have the yearly recurring goal of weight but someone made a good point, I don't want to lose weight because if its lost does that mean I will have to find it again? So I'm just looking into getting into great, healthly, all around shape. If I lose some inches here and/or there I won't look for them, I just won't miss them at all.

More importantly getting into triathlons has been an adventure and it is something Travis and I can do together. I know I'm not going to a pro at it, but the key is actually doing them. I had a great time in Arizona and I am looking forward to what this year may bring. I can now look at improving my should be a good time and if i'm not having fun, then i'm not doing it guess we'll just have to see whats in store for 2009.

1 comment:

prudence brady said...

Girl! I'm totally with you on the triathlons!! I think now with all this stupid GB stuff behind me...I can get back to having some fun!!

how about any of these events?