Sunday, November 30, 2008

The results are in...

November 27, 2008 I competed in my first sprint triathlon. I trained for it but I didn't think I really TRAINED for it. It had rained all night and we were anticipating it raining during the race. It stopped raining just in time for the race but it made part of the course so muddy that the course was shortened to a mile and a half run instead of two miles. I was nervous.

Travis was there taking care of Isaiah and Lukas my nephew. Also, my nephew Levi brought his boys, Evan and Gino to cheer us on as well. The youth division started first and my nephew Mateo started in that group. He is so fast. I just watched in wonder as he ran, biked and swam. I was able to take pictures but the swim, he was so fast by the time I got to the pool he was done. Then the men started, my brother Matt was in that group. I saw him transition to the bike and then the women started.

Cindy and I lined up, wished eachother luck and before I knew she was off and running. No way was I going to catch her but I wasn't doing it to race her, I was doing it to see if I could even do it. So I found a pace and stuck with it. I transitioned to the bike and was off on a twelve mile journey, just hoping that I wouldn't crash. During one of the legs, my brother passed me on his last loop. By the the third lap on the bike I was really into it, I felt really good, I was so surprised. As I finished up the bike, I got ready for the swim.

As I made my way to the pool, my legs were like lead, but I still felt good. I hit the water and immediately my legs still worked, just add water? My arms were a different story. I thought it was kinda funny that my legs worked after running and biking but my arms just didn't want to work the way I wanted them too. But somehow I still managed to pass people and I knew if I stopped I would have a hard time starting up again. So I just went for it and before I knew it I was passing more people and then, I was done.

I got out of the pool, crossed the finish line and now I'm a triathlete! 1 1/2 mile run, 12 mile bike, 400 m swim all in 1 hour 11 minutes 57 seconds...having your Ironman husband hug you at the end, PRICELESS!!

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