Sunday, October 5, 2008

our pigpen and a reunion

I gave Isaiah a teething biscuit and he LOVES them...they are a bit messy but fun at the same time. Also, while in Houston we caught up with our old friend Pedro Recalde. This weekend was the UNM RA Reunion in Albuquerque. We were unable to attend but Pedro and I had our own reunion here at the Hinkle's. It was great to catch up with him.


Sunday, September 28, while waiting for our flight to depart Birmingham, AL to Houston...Isaiah thought it would be a great idea to start crawling. Everyday he gets much fun to watch.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Auburn v. Tennessee....the SEC

We arrived in Houston on Wednesday September 24 and departed for Alabama Friday night. We spent the whole day saturday at Auburn University. Tailgating started around 10:30AM. Game time, 2:30PM...84,000 people in the stands. It was crazy but so much fun. Thankfully they had an area that had fans blowing and they handed out water. Isaiah and I paid it a visit a couple times, I think mainly for myself than for him. He was having a great time, so many people to see and so much going on around him. Of course we had to wear orange and until we were at the stadium I was feeling like a pumpkin but once inside, everyone had on their orange and blue. The SEC is serious about their football, I felt as if we were at a pro game. If you have never experienced an SEC football game, I highly recommend it.

I heart NYC

While in Connecticut we ventured into THE city... , we took an hour boat tour to view the art installation of the waterfalls. A beautiful site. We also paid a visit to the Trade Center site and temporary memorial they have set up. It has been 10 years since I was in New York City, at which time the towers still stood. On that day, 10 years ago, we never did go up to the top of the towers but we stood at the bottom admiring their enormity. The memorial they have set up is only temporary until they can build on top of the site. I cannot find the words to express my feelings of seeing what is no longer there. After paying tribute, we ventured to Battery Park and then on to the boat tour. Being that Manhattan is a fairly large city, you wouldn't think I would know anyone on a boat tour right? Well, I get on the boat and notice a girl that looks familiar, but I'm in Manhattan, on a boat tour, certainly I couldn't know anyone....I do...Maggie, a girl I worked with at Maloney's in Albuquerque, go figure?

We had a fabulous day in THE city.