Sunday, September 21, 2008

"dude, your kid did killer on the plane"

We left Las Vegas on September 17th on a flight to Providence, RI where we met with Kim my best'est friend since 7th grade...that's right, we have been friends since 7th grade.Thats about 20+ years...WHOA!! She used to live in Champaign IL, but recently moved to Milford, CT and what a great idea that was, well, her husband Chris is doing his residency Yale (he is a DR.DR.)but they now live a block and half from the beach...and again, what a great idea!!

We stayed a week and enjoyed every second. Isaiah was able to stroll to the beach each day on our morning walks. He taught Madeleine the fine art of sharing. He went to his first college football game, Yale v. Georgetown. And we took the kids to the aquarium and of course NEW YORK CITY. What fun we had. Its amazing how Kim and I have been friends for so long and now in the new roles as mothers its interesting to see how we have changed and have taken on this new role. Madeleine is 16 months old, so since she has more experience than I, it was interesting to see what life will look like for us in a year. What a fabulous time.

"Dude, your kid did killer on the plane"...a fine young gentlemen said to me after we landed in Las Vegas. Isaiah slept the whole way and woke up when we landed. After he said that to me, a young lady that was sitting behind him said quizzically, "there is a baby on board?"....Yea, that's right, MY BABY!! So, I believe the translation is "Wow, your baby was so well behaved on the flight"...but I'm getting up in age that I'm not sure of the lingo...hahahaha...Since then Isaiah has been on six flights and each one he "did killer on the plane"

1 comment:

prudence brady said...

wow! little Isaiah is the jet-setter!