Friday, July 25, 2008

Here, there, everywhere...

Travis has been in Las Vegas since last Thursday. So far Isaiah and I are doing pretty good. I have to admit though that shuffling around is starting to get to me, but if I stay put for longer than two days, I'm okay. It doesn't even phase Isaiah. As Travis put it today, Isaiah is socializing by being exposed to many different environments....I think Travis phrased it better but that's what i can remember.
I love this picture of Isaiah because it truly captures what a happy baby he is and clearly shows that being shuffled here, there and everywhere is not in anyway harming him....we hope!
Isaiah still has lots of people to meet so I believe we are staying in Albuquerque the whole week, but we'll see. I want to go back to Santa Fe to swim. My sister-in-law Cindy managed to get me to the pool last week and I swam. I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. My bathing suit even fit, I could even get it off after it was wet. Impressive!! So the bug has been planted to POSSIBLY start doing triathlons. As Travis has said, "there is a tri girl there in, i know it". Well, my response of course, she is buried under layers of fat, so I'm going to have work really hard to dig her out. But that's a whole other post to blog about. I have done a marathon, he has a knacked for talking me into doing things I'd never thought I would do. He is an awesome, supportive husband that I'm having to live away from and every poopie diaper, I miss him!!!
Travis was nighttime diaper duty and well, I appreciated every diaper he changed.
So where are we this week...Staying in Albuquerque at least till Wednesday.

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