Saturday, January 8, 2011

The First Week...

Well, I survived my first week and did not cry at all...okay maybe once but I can explain that one. It helped a ton that TJH worked later than I did in the morning so he took the kids to the sitter and I picked them up. We are seriously considering getting extra car seats so we are not having to swap cars all the time...But we shall see. TJH has been super supportive around the house and with the kids. He never ceases to amaze me.

However, we did have an "incident" on his watch, that he feels badly for but I have tried and tried to make him realize that it wasn't his fault. IX was trying to get his backpack on and swung around, accidentally pushing II, she stumbled and hit the column. She has a slight cut above her eye brow. Well, if anyone knows how foreheads bleed, Travis swooped her up and took her and IX to the urgent care. Yes, he took both children with him. Now if it were me, I would have been on the phone to one of my friends, asking to drop IX off while I take II clearly, he handled it way better than I did. She is fine, they just put dermabond (glue) on her forehead...If she ends up with a scar, it will match the one TJH has.

So when he called me, I was in training. When I walked out to my car to go to another building, I checked my phone, saw the missed called then two text messages. TJH explained in his text what had happened. I freaked for a minute, called TJH and he was on his way in, so I was able to give him a great big hug and then I started to cry. My baby was hurt and I was not there. He reassured me she was fine, and that I was fine. I guess it was a moment of working mother guilt. I did call our sitter and she said she was fine. When I picked them up and saw her, I was definitely relieved. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined. And when we were home, Ginger (our dog) was walking around following her and she thought she was being chased so she was laughing her head off...I knew she was perfectly okay.

I was able to do some of the actual job I was hired for yesterday...I was excited and nervous...Hoping I didn't screw anything up but I really do need to cut myself a little slack. It is going to take some time to learn the processes, the programs, the acronyms. OH BOY, the from time to time I have to ask TJH to explain what he is talking about when he speaks with acronyms and that is my only savior right now, some of the acronyms tossed out I actually understood but there are A LOT more to learn...slightly overwhelming. It's also nice to be in an environment where you are treated like an adult. You have to work 40 hours, how you work them is up to me. So I can get creative if I need to...Unlike my job in my previous life where they were so nit picky about your time. While I can understand that for those that abuse the situation but for those who just want to get the job done, it's frustrating. So it's nice.

As for the kids adjusting to going the sitter, well, I never thought I'd hear IX say "but I want to sleep momma". It was my day to take them, so we had to leave early. IX was still asleep. When I went to wake him up, that's what he said to me. It is always a fight to get him to bed because he doesn't like to go to bed so it was funny that he said that. With the schedules we have the kids will only be at the sitter 4 days a week unless the schedules don't allow for that then it will be five, so really, it's not so bad. I will say I am nervous when TJH has to travel, but I have my straws that I can suck it up and drive on. I CAN do this!!

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