Tuesday, July 20, 2010


My second TRI of the season was in Santa Fe. Santa Fe sits at 7000' ft, Clovis is at 5016ft...so Santa Fe is slightly higher. Let me just say I did not train nearly as much as I should have for this TRI as I did for my first one that I did in May. I let other things take over and I did not make a priority as I did before. Some days I feel as if I'm selfish by making time for myself but at the same time, I'm a better momma if I do that. So now I know.

I had a fun race. A decent run. The bike....well, I think we all know how I feel about the bike. But I had fun, I kept playing catch up with #214, she'd pass me, i'd pass her and the game was on, until she passed me one last time and then I never saw her again...at least I don't think so, I could have passed her in the pool and not known.

As much as I love the swim, I didn't love this swim. I did not pack a swim cap, which isn't too big of a deal, it was only a 400M swim. But when I got in the water, I couldn't see and it made me mad, so I ripped off my googles and threw them aside. I finished the swim but boy did my eyes hurt for the rest of the day.

All in all, I didn't do so bad. I know there is room for improvement. I know what I need to work on and I plan on doing just that. Next one, August 21, Clovis, NM @ Cannon AFB. What better way to celebrate my birthday!!


After months of training the day finally arrived, May 9, 2010. We woke up early and headed to the race. It was T's first time being the sherpa and well, I think I was more nervous about that than the actual race. Not the he cannot take care of the children, it's just, that's my job and now the rolls were reversed. But he did great and even managed to take some pictures.

At the start I met a girl who asked me how old II was. She too had recently had a baby, he was 5 months old. So we joked about how we were doing the tri to lose the baby weight. After we started she was running with me and asked how fast I run. And I had to think, so I told her on a good day 12 minute miles on a slow day 13 but really I had no idea. I've always thought of myself as slow...but today apparently was a good day...I completed my run in 29:56...SA-WEET!!

The bike...oh the bike...I need help with the bike...It wasn't a bad course. One really big kinda dip but I'm just not the greatest on the bike. But I finished.

So, let's swim!! WOOHOO!! There is really no greater feeling when I'm in the pool and I'm able to pass people. And pass people. And pass people, especially dudes...gotta love it.

I may not be fast but I have a blast doing them. What I really love is at the finish having my Ironman husband waiting for me with our beautiful children. I could never do this without his support.

9 months

Wow, can you believe it...our little girl is 9 months old already. Where does the time go? She is just growing up so fast. She almost has her top two teeth, one has cut through and is coming out. She is crawling and starting to pull up on things. She is one busy bee. The funny thing is that she has a certain scream she lets out when IX does something to her.

Today he decided it was a good idea to pick her up and move her to a different spot on the floor. When he did that she let out this scream that is a bit piercing. If he takes something away from her, like a toy, same scream. One thing is to be sure, this girl has some lungs. She gets them from her momma.