Friday, July 25, 2008

Here, there, everywhere...

Travis has been in Las Vegas since last Thursday. So far Isaiah and I are doing pretty good. I have to admit though that shuffling around is starting to get to me, but if I stay put for longer than two days, I'm okay. It doesn't even phase Isaiah. As Travis put it today, Isaiah is socializing by being exposed to many different environments....I think Travis phrased it better but that's what i can remember.
I love this picture of Isaiah because it truly captures what a happy baby he is and clearly shows that being shuffled here, there and everywhere is not in anyway harming him....we hope!
Isaiah still has lots of people to meet so I believe we are staying in Albuquerque the whole week, but we'll see. I want to go back to Santa Fe to swim. My sister-in-law Cindy managed to get me to the pool last week and I swam. I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. My bathing suit even fit, I could even get it off after it was wet. Impressive!! So the bug has been planted to POSSIBLY start doing triathlons. As Travis has said, "there is a tri girl there in, i know it". Well, my response of course, she is buried under layers of fat, so I'm going to have work really hard to dig her out. But that's a whole other post to blog about. I have done a marathon, he has a knacked for talking me into doing things I'd never thought I would do. He is an awesome, supportive husband that I'm having to live away from and every poopie diaper, I miss him!!!
Travis was nighttime diaper duty and well, I appreciated every diaper he changed.
So where are we this week...Staying in Albuquerque at least till Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

3000 miles later...

We made it to Clovis on July 6th. The trip here was not bad at all. We managed to make good time and of course stop at the Lewis Family Reunion. We spent 4th of July with Travis' family in Adrian Missouri. It was a wonderful small town parade in middle America which was full of politicans. We lit some fireworks that were purchased for a steal at the corner fireworks stand. The first purchase was $34.oo, they (travis, victoria and dan) had to go back for more. We had the "Run like Hell" fireworks show in front of grandmas house. Every time we'd light something Dan would shout "RUN LIKE HELL", it was the funniest thing ever. It was a great display and Isaiah was mesmerized by it. He didn't even flinch.

Today, we are going to look at some houses. We are still in dilemma of whether or not to buy right now or wait till Travis is done is Las Vegas. Since we arrived in Clovis I have been up to Santa Fe and Albuquerque twice, the drive is only 3 hours to either place, 3 1/2 if going to the west side of Albuquerque. Isaiah is still doing great in the car, just load him up and we go. He is amazing. It's taking more a toll on me than on him I think.

Travis absolutely LOVES what he will be doing. The first day he came back to the room and asked if we could stay forever. You couldn't beat the smile off his face. We have meet some folks but a lot of them are still in Las Vegas. Everyone is slowly making there way here. Everyone is so wonderful. Very family oriented here, it's great. They plan on having lots of gatherings and I believe to truly enjoy it here, we'll need that.

Clovis, is VERY small. It reminds of Los Lunas before it boomed. It doesn't have a Target or a new Barnes and Noble like in Minot but thats okay. It definately smells like the country. There is a cow farm pretty close and when the wind blows, well, its like having it in your backyard. But there is also the wonderful smell of burning weeds. A scent I associate with my grandmothers house in Tome, NM. So combine those scents together with the smell of rain and you get the country. I don't mind it all, at least not yet.

Its great to be back in New Mexico, we are far enough away but yet close, so thats good. We head back to albuquerque thursday...