Friday, October 16, 2009

This is crazy...

Monday I went in to have an ultrasound, baby was head ua was up but not bad...went in on thursday and my blood pressure was high. DR sent me to the hospital to induce. They started the process and then did an ultrasound to make sure she was still head down...of course she wasn' they stopped the process. Drew more blood another ua and then in the morning they were going to try to turn her. Well, turning her was not successful but my labs came back fine. Which in the grand scheme of things is great news.

She will come in her time. I am now convinced more than ever we have a very strong-willed girl on our hands. The more time she gets in the oven the better off she will be. I am however frustrated only because I'm having to go back & forth to the hospital and Isaiah is being shuffled around. Thank goodness for the help we have recieved and I do not know why I worry about him because he has so much fun hanging out with everyone. He's a trooper!

I'm not going to post anything until she finally here. I'm sure some of ya'll might think i'm a bit thank you for your wonderful thoughts and prayers.